What do dental implants cost?

added on: August 16, 2013

What do dental implants cost?

A common question that Oklahoma City patients ask is “how much do dental implants cost?”  I tell patients that there is no simple answer to that question.  My staff and I will always estimate a treatment plan with associated costs before any treatment is rendered.  The reason why it is hard to give a exact cost is that no two situations are the same.  Certain patients require additional bone grafting procedures to gain appropriate width and height of bone to support the correct placement of a dental implant.  On the other hand, some patients require no additional procedures associated with dental implant placement.  Also, the number of dental implants required for the appropriate restorative outcome is highly variable.  Implant treatment can range from a single dental implant to replace a single tooth to multiple implants supporting a full arch (replacing all teeth).  Cost will vary significantly between these two treatment modalities with many options between.  If a practitioner provides a flat base cost, it means a couple of things.

1.  The clinician  is uninformed and thinks all situations and patients are the same.  This ideology usually results in a poor outcome:  implant failure, exposed implant threads, or a blue shadow showing through the tissue.

2.  The clinician has set a standard fee that includes the cost for bone regeneration (bone / membrane).  This fee is given to all patients, including the ones who didn’t require additional treatment.

3.  The clinician is cutting cost by utilizing Generic Dental Implants.  Therefore, by reducing overhead will allow a clinician to quote a price that includes all necessary treatment.

The best answer I can give to the question “what do dental implants cost?”, is that dental implants are a financial investment.  Patients have to ask themselves what price would they place on functioning the way they expect and desire.  If treatment is performed correctly by a qualified specialist and are maintained  properly they can last a lifetime.

If you are interested in how dental implants can change your life,

Check out our Dental Implants Page.

Dental Implant Patient

The current OKC patient presented with multiple failing teeth due to acute infections.  She was only interested in treatment options that were not removable and would allow her to function more naturally.  I advised her that dental implants are the only option that would meet her criteria.  Therefore, I extracted the hopeless teeth and utilized bone grafting techniques that regenerated sufficient bone height and width.  After initial healing, I placed 4 Straumann tissue level implants that integrated into her regenerated bone.  The patient was referred back to her Dentist Dr. Sorgen for final restorative treatment.

As a Periodontist, I’m previlage to help many Oklahomans achieve the form and function that they require.








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