Dental Implants – OMG!

added on: May 30, 2015

Unbelievably Sub Par Treatment / Dental Implants

Over the past 4 years I’ve encountered numerous Oklahoma City patients that have been previously treated with dental implants to replace missing teeth.  These cases range from ideal to the patient should have not gotten out of bed that day.  I’ve decided to share the worst of the worst and update this entry with cases as I come across them.


Dental Implant Part 1

This patient presented with multiple dental implants with so many problems that it is almost impossible to list them all.  I’ll try anyways.

  1. Peri-Implantitis / Bone Loss / Inflammation
  2. Open Margins (gap between the crowns and implants)
  3. Non-seated bridge
  4. Gross decay / Abscess
  5. Poorly placed and aligned dental implants
  6. Wrongly sized dental implant for the restorative application (orange on a tooth pick!)

Interested in more information about dental implants, check out our dental implants page.


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